Three little letters. One big impact.
FOS, or Friends of Scouting, is the council-level annual giving campaign and is one of our councils largest source of income. The Friends of Scouting campaign typically begins in January and ends in May. During the campaign, we conduct our “Good Scout Luncheon” where we honor a person, business, and/or organization with the highlight of the day being a speaker who talks about scouting and the impact it has. We also conduct local community campaigns throughout our council, and finally, we give the opportunity for all parents and leaders to give through our Family campaign.
But where does that money go?
We can answer that by using the “The Iceberg Analogy.” The idea here is that Scouts and volunteers see only 20 percent of what councils provide to members but there’s a whole lot more beneath the surface! Our Council provides volunteer and staff training, insurance coverage, support staff, camps, equipment, recognitions for leaders, administrative needs, a council website, camperships, and so much more.
We hope you consider attending the Good Scout Luncheon, taking part in a community campaign, and support the council through local unit campaigns.
You can also donate here at anytime!
24rd Annual Good Scout Lunch
This year, our luncheon will be held on March 4, 2025 at the Amarillo Civic Center- Heritage Room from 11:30am -1:00pm.
Keynote Speaker Rob Marshal
For more information, please contact Chase Roach at 806-358-6500.