Support Scouting

 Friends of Scouting

What is Friends of Scouting and why is it so important to contribute to the annual Friends of Scouting Campaign?
Two great questions! Friends of Scouting (FOS) is the annual giving campaign of the Golden Spread Council, BSA, which provides the necessary funds to ensure a quality Scouting program for youth.

More specifically, by supporting FOS, you help us keep:

  • The cost of our camps affordable
  • Our Service Center and camping facilities in top condition
  • Our promise of a quality Scouting experience to your son and daughter and others in Scouting

The Friends of Scouting Campaign is a vital component to the programs and services of the Golden Spread Council. The money raised through Friends of Scouting offsets cost of training leaders, operating camps and our service center, as well as providing other resources to Cub Packs, Scouts BSA Troops, Venture Crews and Explorer Posts throughout our council. It costs the Golden Spread Council about $350 to provide a quality scouting experience for one boy /girl per year. Parents of Scouts and community members play a vital role in the annual Friends of Scouting campaign by contributing money based on their interest in the program and their ability to give to this important component of the Scouting program.

Please contact Chase Roach at 806-358-6500 to find out how you can contribute to the Friends of Scouting campaign.

Help keep scouting strong in the Texas and Oklahoma panhandles by participating as a Friend of Scouting.

Our Money Comes From…

Our Money Comes From…21% Friends of Scouting Campaign
A substantial part of the Council’s operating needs are provided by the Friends of Scouting campaign through parents, individuals, businesses and service organizations.

19% United Way. The Council receives support from 8 United Way organizations in the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandles.

28% Camping and Activities. An important source of income comes from the Camping opportunities and our many Scouting activities.

18% Other Income Money is also derived from special grants, foundations, and interest accrued from the Council’s Operating and Endowment Fund.

14% Fundraising Events. The Council conducts special fundraising activities such as camp cards, popcorn sales, and shoots.

Our Money Goes To …

62% Service to Chartered Partners
A major part of the budget covers organizing and serving units and provides our sponsoring institutions with liability insurance. Also, the Council provides full-time professional service and clerical staff that handles thousands of inquiries for camping, registration, and problem-solving information. 

19.5% Programs and Camping.

Basic Leader Training, Cub Scout Day Camps and Resident Camps, Jamborees, and the special “Youth-at-Risk” Inner-City Camp are just a few of the exciting programs provided by Scouting.

17% Office/Service Center and Maintenance

1.5% National Support – National Charter Fee

To Donate, click here.

For more information contact Chase Roach

 Endowment Trust Fund

The James E. West Fellowship Award

The James E. West Fellowship Award is a national recognition for individuals who contribute $1,200 or more in cash or securities to their local council endowment trust fund. This contribution is in addition to, and does not diminish or replace, the donor’s annual gift to the council’s Friends of Scouting Campaign.

Organizations or individuals may contribute an award in honor of someone–an Eagle Scout, a Silver Beaver recipient, council president, or district chairman, or in memory of a departed loved one, business associate, or special Scouter.

Form of Recognition

The James E. West Fellowship Award is an attractive 8-by-10-inch certificate, personalized with the donor’s name, date of gift, and council name. In addition, there will be a distinctive lapel pin/charm and an embroidered square knot for uniform wear. While it is a national recognition, the James E. West Fellowship award is authorized and presented by the local council. Appropriate national recognition will be given at a special reception held in conjunction with the National Annual Meeting.

Background and Significance

The award is named after the first Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America who exemplified Ralph Waldo Emerson’s observation that “an institution is the lengthened shadow of one man.” Scouting today is the “lengthened shadow” of more than three decades of the farseeing and dedicated leadership of Dr. James E. West. Those who are recognized by the James E. West Fellowship Award will cast their own “lengthened shadow” as they help ensure the Scouting legacy for future generations of young people and create the financial stability of the program in the twenty-first century for their local council.

 Memorial Fund


A Memorial and Tribute Fund has been established to receive contributions from anyone wishing to honor or remember a friend or family member. Contributions may be made in any amount as a living memorial and lasting tribute. It is an everlasting gift to Scouting to mark occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, births, Eagle Scout recognition, Silver Beaver recognition, or other important events.

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