
All Golden Spread Council Camps are Nationally Accredited Camps
Let’s go camping!

Say “Scouting”, and to many you also say “camping” . . . the backcountry . . . wood smoke from a campfire . . . backpacks . . . tents . . . streams! It’s all there just waiting for those who belong to Scouting America.

Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting, set up the first summer camp for Youth in 1907 at Brownsea Island, England, to test his theories about Scouting for Youth. Since that time, the Outdoor Program has been an important part of the Scouting program.

2025 Cub Scout Camps and Activities

2025 Scouts BSA Camps and Activities

Council Properties / Short Term Camping

The Golden Spread Council owns and operates two excellent camp properties: Camp Don Harrington and Camp MK Brown.

All camp reservations are made online HERE


Fees for any Council/District camping opportunity are posted on the individual registration form or the event flyer.  Fees for the use of camps and program areas are listed at the top of this page.  All of our camping programs are fully certified and accredited by the National Camping Service of the BSA & the State of Texas.

Summer Camps

Each June and July, the Golden Spread Council operates summer camps for Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA!

Cub Scouts attend the fun filled Cub Scout Adventure Camp at Camp Don Harrington located near Canyon, TX.  Summer Cub Camping includes local day camping experiences for Cub Scouts in grades 1-5.

Scouts B.S.A. and Ventures spend a week at Camp MK Brown near Mobeetie, TX . Scouts ages 10 1/2 (and have completed the 5th grade) – 17, can attend Camp. MKB offers Aquatics, Standard Camp Merit Badges, a Polaris 1st year camping program and Patrol/Troop Activities.

Check out our Summer Camp Video HERE!


Camp Staff Opportunities

Cub Scout Day Camps are staffed primarily of volunteers. Parents of Cub Scouts are welcome to be a part of the staff. Certified Directors provide expertise in the management and program areas. All Staff MUST complete a Camp Staff Application per BSA Standards.

Summer Scouts B.S.A Camp staff are paid seasonal staff. There are several positions that require National Certification but many do not. All Staff MUST complete a Camp Staff Application which is done online

High Adventure Camping

Scouts who want to experience even more adventure can check out some of the National High Adventure Treks such as the Philmont Scout Ranch, the Northern Tier High Adventure Area, the Florida Sea Base, and The Summit. Periodically the Council has a Council Contingent that goes to one of these areas. Watch the website for announcements.

Health Record Requirement

Each Scout and Leader attending either camp, may need an up-to-date health exam conducted by a physician within twelve (12) months prior to camp. Please check with the event leader or camp director to see if the health form is required.  If so, please make a copy because the physical form will not be returned.

The name of the camper’s parents’ insurance carrier and their insurance policy identification number must be listed on the camper’s medical form. If they (parents) do not have medical insurance, other arrangements must be made by the unit with which the Scout is attending camp. Health forms are available at the Scout office or on the Forms page.

Leadership in Camps

It is the policy of the Boy Scouts of America that at least two adults, one of whom must be 21 years or older, are required for all trips or outings. Camp leaders must be registered members of the Boy Scouts of America and at least 21 years of age. Assistant camp leaders must be at least 18 years of age.

Consistent with the policy of the BSA, separate housing must be provided for all female leadership. While facilities in camp remain the same, scheduling is designed to assure the privacy of both male and female leadership. Special consideration is given to the maturity of leadership. Prudent judgment must be exercised to assure that proper role models are provided for our young people. If you would like more information about our Camp please contact our Camping Department at Golden Spread Council Office.

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